enjamin Franklin once said an investment in knowledge pays the best interest. I have the opportunity to work with all ages to educate on financial matters. This month I was able to meet with youth in Pittsburg and we did an interactive activity to educate them on all financial matters. Interactive activities engage the participants on a different level than just talking to them about money. Gaining knowledge about money and money management at a young age gives them an insight into how their money will be spent in their future and why managing money is important. The Pittsburg High School students partnered up and participated in an activity called the Bean Game. Groups got to choose what was most important to them in their personal life. They had almost 50 items to choose from but on only 20 beans to place on the game card. Options ranged from housing, to insurance, to food and transportation. We ended the session with explaining that in life there will never be enough money to do everything we want to do, but learning to invest their money in what means the most to them, planning for emergencies and keeping good records will help them be financially successful in their future.
A Culture of Health in Labette County
Creating a Culture of Health continues to gain traction. With the assistance from my coworkers and a great variety of community support, including media and a county commissioner, we have successfully applied for a grant for the district and was granted $8,000 for our proposal on A Smooth Ride to Health. Labette County has approved a name, a logo, vision and mission statement. The Wildcat District Agents and community partners are continuing to make strides to not only improve the health of Labette County but actively are participating in all county health coalitions. Labette County has approved the name of: SHIFT (Shaping Health, Improving Fitness Together) Labette. Our vision and mission statement are as follows:
Vision Live Healthy Be Well
Mission SHIFT Labette County is committed to promoting healthy lifestyles for the future well-being of our community. Bridging the gap between people and organizations who offer mental and physical health, wellness, job training and transportation.
We have a project in the works and will roll it out in January. We continue to look forward to the positive community involvement and continued steps to better health in Labette County, the Wildcat District and Southeast Kansas.