Danielle Rancourt - writer
Former NCAA Division I hockey player and registered dietician from Sudbury. She currently works as a performance dietician for EXOS, a human performance company in the United States. She spent her childhood like many northern Ontario children: playing outdoors. Although one can be outdoors anywhere in the world, Rancourt believes there’s truly nothing like camping with friends and family on the lakes of northern Ontario.
Back Roads Bill - writer and photographer
Back Roads Bill has a passion for northern Ontario and the great outdoors.
He is Back Roads Bill on the CBC. His most recent book can be seen at www.steertonorthernontario.ca . He holds degrees and diplomas from Laurentian University, Nipissing University, McMaster University and Durham College.
Bruce Murphy - writer
Bruce joins the Wild Northerner team starting this issue. He brings extensive and unique knowledge and expertise about birding and banding in northern Ontario from the Hilliardton Marsh Research and Education Center.