Wild Northerner Magazine Spring 2017 | Page 29

Q - What does it mean to you to work and live on the Island?

A - I love Manitoulin Island. I have always lived on the out skirts of small towns with access to nature at my fingertips. There is a real genuine sense of community on Manitoulin Island where everyone helps their neighbours whenever they can. The generosity from volunteers and community members that I have experienced has been beyond my expectations.

Q - What are a few key projects MS is working on for 2017?

A - Manitoulin Streams has completed a Category “B” Class Environmental Assessment that was approved by the MNRF Sudbury District Manager in 2008 to encompass all 184 stream watersheds on Manitoulin Island. To aid in planning and coordinating rehabilitation projects we have completed Enhancement Strategies for five of our top 10 streams (Manitou River, Blue Jay Creek, Mindemoya River, Kagawong River, Grimesthorpe Creek) identified in the Strategic Plan. The Enhancement Strategies identify sites in need of restoration with prescribed site descriptions, photos, UTM coordinates, concerns, solutions and estimated costs.

Manitoulin Streams plans to restore Site MIN662-664 on the Mindemoya River; Site S16 on Reach 29 on the Grimesthorpe Creek; Site KAG 172 & 174 on the Kagawong River; and to continue working with M’Chigeeng First Nation by helping Lakeview School students restore M'Chigeeng Creek and work with Wikwemikong First Nation establishing a new working partnership.