Wild Guide Magazine Wild Guide - Winter 2017 | Page 25

Charly Algier is a renowned bow hunter . He has harvested nearly all game found in Canada including mountain goats , grizzly and a polar bear .
In 2000 , while he was in the Yukon , patiently perched on a watchtower , he collected a gray wolf who was trying to steal his lunch he had left in his backpack at the bottom of the tree .
Since then , Mr . Algier has made it a challenge to try to control predation on his hunting grounds for moose , eliminating these aggressive predators .
According to Charly , in Quebec these canines are present in large numbers in areas north of La Tuque and Mont-Laurier in Baraude in Chibougamau , etc . In most areas of the province it is possible to pursue these sharp toothed mammals until March 31 with only a small game license being required .
The first step is to make an inviting bait . Charly built a wooden one square meter box . He then lines the inside of it with a cow or moose hide . He then places 150 kilos of meat without bones and folds the fur in around the makeshift buffet to form a block and leaves to freeze through . After disassembling the wooden box , he ties the food cluster with a strong rope . He does not recommend using a metal spike or pin to hold it together because , in his experience , these animals do not like the smell of metal .
He then positions the bundle in a swampy area that offers a narrow shooting lane so he can observe from afar if these brutes came to feast or not .
He then builds an igloo / quinzhee at a distance of 30 meters when hunting with a bow or 100 meters if he wishes to use a rifle . This shelter offers great camouflage and will limit the dispersion of odour while minimizing the effects of wind and cold .
During that same day , Charly boils beef or pig blood that he purchases at the slaughterhouse . He then pours it into a cooler to keep it from freezing while being pulled behind his snowmobile . With the cooler drain open he drives on a route of about 15 km around the bait to create a thin trail of blood . This scenario is designed to give the illusion to the wolves that there is a wounded animal in the area . He then leaves the area untouched for a week before hunting to give the animals time to discover his bait .
Upon his return , he will hide in the snow shelter and use a Recall Design call imitating a hare in distress . Every fifteen minutes , he will emit shrill cries for a period of 60 to 90 seconds .
Charly recommends that those new to the sport use a . 243 caliber or greater , as it can be a little scary for a first time wolf hunter to end up near a pack in action , armed with only an arrow .
In mid-February , our star of the day managed to outwit the vigilance of a dominant 150 lb wolf using his Elite Victory bow a with 70 pound draw . This bow has an 85 % let-off , which allowed him to aim the beast for nearly five minutes without effort , while waiting for the perfect shot .
The next day , since he had left his scent on the previous site while recovering his trophy , he decided to use another baited area . His shelter was located more than 100 meters from the bait so he was forced to use a rifle . It took only two hours to another big wolf to come sniffing around . You can guess the rest of the story !
Charly Algier intercepted the Wolf on the left using his bow and grabbed the second , the next day , with his rifle .
Wild Guide . Winter 2017 24