Wild Guide Magazine Wild Guide - Winter 2017 | Page 17

Using a full body coyote decoy can distract and attract curious coyotes in to your location – an especially effective strategy during breeding season .
Find a howling mound like this one and you know you ’ re in the right location . The author took many coyotes by calling from this mound . Whenever possible try to set up on an elevated position to increase your visibility and decrease your chances of being detected by incoming coyotes .


BLEND & BE STILL Camouflage clothing isn ’ t everything but it helps . Each day I go out , I consider the habitat I ’ ll be hunting and the time of year . With snow , whites or snow camo is in order . In the absence of snow , I ’ ll try to match the trees or ground cover as well as possible . Blending in with your surroundings gives you an advantage .
Coyotes have keen eyesight and their ability to detect movement is uncanny . During any calling session , it is vital to limit movement and remain as motionless as possible . I ’ m a firm believer in using a solid shooting rest . Every one of my varmint rifles has a Harris bipod attached to it and during any given calling session , I sit with the butt of my rifle or shotgun already tucked into my shoulder so that movement is minimized when taking aim .


CHOOSE YOUR STAND LOCATION WISELY In my experience , the quintessential calling location offers elevated 360-degree visibility but enough cover that I can hide or blend in with my surroundings . Whenever possible , I opt for an elevated position even if it is slight . By carefully considering the wind , then setting up downwind of the most probable direction of approach , you gain another advantage . At the same time , maximizing visibility will give you enough time to set up for the shot , if and when you get a response . Some of my favourite set-ups involve placing my e-call in the middle of a small clearing , in the middle of a frozen marsh with cattails surrounding it , on an open ridge , on or along a frozen creek bottom , and then sitting against a tree on a bank , hill , or ridge slightly above where I anticipate a coyote to make an appearance . Most importantly , remember , when a coyote comes to a call , he or she is always looking for a reason to leave .


ADD A DECOY Decoys add another element of realism to your calling set-up . Using an e-call allows you to place one or more decoys right where the call is set-up , or some distance away . Appealing sounds attract a coyote to the general area and often draw them in close , but add a visual stimulant like a motion decoy , ( i . e ., a rabbit simile or any number of commercial motion decoys ), and you ’ ve got something that coyotes can rarely resist . Combine either of these with an actual coyote decoy like a Flambeau Lone Howler full body and coyotes are in trouble ! Placing one , or even a couple , facing the call anywhere from 20 to 50 metres away from the call itself , communicates competition for the easy meal .
Wild Guide . Winter 2017 16