Wild and Young TΞN Interview - English version | Page 4
WY: How have you started to draw?
T: There was no point when I started
drawing. Art itself has always been in my
veins. I’ve always felt using the pencil is
the best way to express myself, my imagination and thoughts. Drawing feels as
natural for me as breathing, thus essential.
Sometimes harder, sometimes easier but
always part of me. It was in Korea 2013/14
when I actually started to publish my works online.
WY: Which kind of art you prefer to do?
T: I can actually work with colors but I
love the art of black and white! It leaves
plenty of space for inspiration for me. I enjoy using the pencil, water colors, ink and
acryl the most. I like it sometimes messy,
sometimes simple and clean - depending
on my mood. I believe people often criticise art because they don’t feel it...
WY: Why you choose korean hiphopers
to portray?
T: I spent half a year in Korea back then in
2013 and met quiet a few Korean artists.
That’s how I have developed a deepened
relation to South Korea and the culture.
Seoul has been life-changing for me. Especially the music brought me back to the
roots. Before coming to Korea, I suffered
2-3 years from lack of creativity and motivation. Korean artists inspire me in many
ways and so I rediscovered my love for art
and started all over again. They are not the
only ones that I portray but they are those
who acknowledged my art from the very
beginning. That feeling when you lost something you’ve found again and take it
with you wherever you go.
I believe people often criticise art because they
don’t feel it...