WZRK Bulls
Faith , Family , Friends
The importance of quality herd bulls , be it in a commercial or seedstock operation , cannot be stressed enough . Herd bull decisions made today influence your program , either positively or negatively , for years to come through daughters retained in the herd . At Wieczorek Limousin we have always believed in having the absolute best bull power available in the industry . As such , we have invested heavily over the years to ensure only the best sires walk behind our progressive AI and embryo program . As you study the bulls offered for sale in this catalog , and as you look over the reference sire listing on the following pages , you will notice the positive influence bulls owned by Wieczorek or bulls carrying the WZRK prefix , are currently having on our program .
By becoming a customer of Wieczorek Limousin , you are not simply buying a new herd bull , you are buying into our philosophy of continuously striving to improve the sire side of the breeding equation .
Friday , February 23 , 2024 • At the Ranch • Mt . Vernon , SD WZRK 5