WZRK Bulls
Financing Program - 50 % down at the time of purchase , balance due on delivery All bulls are 100 % unconditionally guaranteed Sight unseen purchase program Free wintering until April 1 , 2024 Free delivery to central points All bulls will be ultrasounded and carry GE-EPDs by sale day
Sight unseen purchase program - Contact Wieczorek Limousin direct or any member of the sale staff to discuss your needs and every effort will be made to describe the bulls accurately . If you get the bull and don ’ t like him , you don ’ t own him .
Improving Selection through NALF Genomic-Enhanced EPDs ( GE-EPDs )
Limousin breeders and their commercial customers benefit greatly from new breeding and selection tools . The North American Limousin Foundation ( NALF ) launched genomic-enhanced EPDs ( GE-EPDs ) with the fall 2015 international cattle evaluation . This provides GE-EPDs for all Lmousin and Lim-Flex animals that have completed DNA testing for genomic profiles .
The informtion from the genomic data can be as informative as a bull ’ s first calf crop or a cow ’ s lifetimes production record . Since genomic data is incorperated directly into the EPDs , cattle producers will not have to learn how to interpret new data .
For more information , visit www . NALF . org or call 303-220-1693 .
Major Benefits of GE EPDs
• Risk Reduction through improved accuracies
• Value of time to assess breeding stock at a younger age
• Increased rate of genetic progress
• Getting data on economically important traits , which are expensive or difficult to measure
• Combination of pedigree information , individual performance data , and genomics into one easy to understand number
16 Wieczorek Limousin 2024 Bull Sale