Widia - monolitní frézy | KL-TECH s.r.o. | www.klte.cz widia-frézování | Page 74

High-Performance Solid Carbide • Roughers HP ROUGHER Special proprietary carbide substrates and state-of-the-art surface technology, combined with unique geometries, provides end users with the capability to signifi cantly reduce machining time with heavier and deeper cuts, fewer passes, and faster surface speed. WIDIA ™ geometries are uniquely formed and fi ne-tuned to optimise chip form, size, and evacuation generated by a given workpiece material. For all ferrous workpiece materials. Low power consumption at high speeds with long tool life. Provides maximum metal removal rates in both slotting and profi ling operations. Alternative solution for productivity gains on light machines. Designed Profi les Maximum Metal Removal Rates (MRR) with low power consumption. Centre Cutting Ramping and plunging capabilities. O50 Unique Geometries Heavier and deeper cuts. Available with Victory ™ grade technology. widia.com • • • •