WIDA What is WIDA? | Page 2

○ ★ Why is ​WIDA ​important? ○ ​ Just like the​ Common Core Standards that all instruction must align to in order for students throughout the country to be on the same playing field, ​WIDA​ provides a set of standards for ELLs. These standards are called the ​WIDA Standards. ○ ESL​ teachers ​ and ESL ​students as well as ​parents of ESL ​ students should know what the ​WIDA Standards ​are so they can know what ESL students are expected of in the state of New Jersey. Check out this video on WIDA standards! ★ What are the ​WIDA​ standards? ○ There are ​5 WIDA Standards​. ​ ​ ​ Enza Fabiano EL 5614 Kean University ​ ★ Standard 1 focuses on communication for​ social and instructional purposes. ★ Standard 2 focuses on academic success in ​Language Arts. ★ Standard 3 focuses on academic success in ​Mathematics. ★ Standard 4 focuses on academic success in ​Science. ★ Standard 5 focuses on academic success in ​Social Studies.