Wicked Travels Spring 2015 | Page 41

Pack Some First-Aid

It’s always a good idea (I consider it essential) to pack a first-aid kit so you have relief available at the first sign of illness. In additional to the standard band-aids, antibiotic cream, pain and fever reliever, travel with some stomach upset and diarrhea relief medicine as well.

Visit The Ship Clinic At First Signs of a Stomach Bug

If you do become ill while cruising, visit the ships medical clinic right away and limit yourself to more private areas, so you won’t spread it to everyone surrounding you.

In you find the subject fascinating (and you should if you’re planning to enjoy a cruise soon), learn more by visiting this website brought by CDC covering everything about norovirus risks on cruises.

My choice is Pepto chewable tablets and more powerful Immodium, but there are lots of brands available. It’s also a great idea to put a travel size spray bottle of Lysol in your bag to disinfect places in your cabin that previous guests are likely to have touched often (phone, tv remote, fold-down tray on the airline!).