Wicked Travels June, 2013 | Page 2

Drum Roll Please....

We are SO excited to introduce you to our new

Wicked Good

Travel Tips Magazine

We've come a long way since launching our travel tips site WickedGoodTravelTips.com in 2007, and we've just passed the 1,000 travel tips mark, phew... that's a lot of great travel advice!

This year we're proud to bring you our new flip-style magazine.

From The Editors

Our new magazine will highlight unique travel experiences and bring you trending travel news, while looking great on your smart devices. Be sure to click on the "Subscribe" tab at the very left of the page to ensure that you'll receive every issue of the magazine - which is free to our "Wicked Good" community of dedicated followers.

And we're not stopping there! WickedGoodTravelTips.com will remain active and vital, bringing you essential travel tips for destinations around the globe. We've just given the site a facelift so be sure to take a look. One feature we are especially excited about is our "Archive By Category" tab. This tab will make it easy to access all our articles by destination. Just select "London", for instance, and up pops all our great tips on visiting London. Give it a try, we think you'll love it. And we can't forget Facebook - we have a whole new page - be sure to Friend Us. Don't miss our contest - details on pg 34.

We'll be excited to hear how you like our new looks!