Why the Traditional Paralegal Doesn't Stand a Chance August 2014 | Page 23
Don’t deliberately stall your career.
not pay for it yourself. This entitlement
attitude only serves to curb a successful
career. To stay ahead, you’ll have to get
ahead. Saying you cannot afford CLE is
like saying you cannot clothe yourself,
a) How much time you will be able to
get a car, provide a roof over your head
b) Why they can justify a higher billing or anything else mandatory to exist.
That’s how important continuing
rate for you;
c) How much more profit they can earn education is to your career.
from your department;
Give up your Starbucks! Take a second
d) How they can more effectively
job. Don’t have time? Get up an hour
utilize other paralegals.
earlier. Don’t short-change yourself!
Always provide a written explanation
Technology is changing
complete with applicable numbers.
faster than anyone ever
Imagined. Be part of the
If the firm still will not pay for CLE, do
change, not part of the past.
not be a paralegal who says you will
much more effective, valuable and
profitable paralegals can be. Show