Why Principals Matter: Exploring The Research On School Leadership. School Leadership Brief_18P429_digital_FINAL | Page 12

There is limited evidence that district leaders strategically place principals in schools where they have the most impact .
Different schools need different kinds of leaders . However , there is very little research about whether districts strategically place principals in schools where they could be the most effective . One study of Miami-Dade school district found that teachers were often informally “ tapped ” by principals and encouraged to become school leaders . While the “ tapped ” principals were more effective than those who were not , they were also disproportionately white and male . 24
A Fordham Institute report surveying eight large urban districts found that exemplary districts created rubrics aligned with district and state leadership standards , as well as specific school needs . 25 These strategies ensured that districts were as thoughtful as possible in considering the diverse needs of schools , making sure principals were placed in environments where they would have the greatest impact on students .