Why People are Moving Towards Online Doctor Consultation Why People are Moving Towards Online Doctor Consul | Page 3
Expenditure is an important part of health care. An online medical
consultation cuts the travel expenses, while bringing medical attention
directly to the comfort of your home. You in turn get all the needed health
services under one roof, consultation, diagnostics, and prescription, even
the doctor consultation fees are also less; it is actually much more
economical than visiting a doctor’s clinic.
Imagine you have a $2000 insurance deductible. Your physician, ER or
urgent care visits will have to be paid by you for that year until you reach
your insurance deductible; once the insurance required expenditures have
been met the insurance company will start reimbursing your doctor visits.
Essentially you are paying for each clinic visit at a much higher level.
Imagine patients who have set their deductibles at a much higher level.
With insurances there are also copays which need to be paid with most
clinic visits. They may range anywhere from $20 to $300 or more for a
variety of healthcare visits. So unless your insurance has a zero copay and
deductible (very pricey insurances do have this option) you are investing
deeply in a few doctor visits. Factor the time lost from work and the time
spent in the car to get to a clinic location.
Now you forced to literally use a vacation day to address a simple
healthcare issue that could have been obviated via a brief inhouse on
demand easy to implement telemedicine physician consultation.