Why change vol 1 | Page 4

DON'T cheat your body

Exercising is a great way to stay healthy and fit. Here are a few tips to help your body get ready for your workout:

1: STRETCH, most people forget to stretch before there workout which causes them to have muscle cramps and pulling of a muscle.

2. Warm up, a warm up is always great to help your heart rate go up and to start managing your breathing.

3. Drink water! Water is so important when exercising. During and after an exercise water helps hydrate your body after sweating during your workout

4. Reward your accomplishments!!

Having trouble picking an exercise to do during your workout? Well here's a great DIY to help your dilemma. The popsicles stick exercise is a great and safe way to keep your workout going and not having to stop!

Step 1:

Grab about 20 popsicle stick and a sharpie.

Step 2:

On each popsicle stick write down an exercise. Anyone works ex.

Abs: crunches, V-up's, planks, sit ups and Russian twists

legs: 50sec wall sits, jump squats, lunges, and calf raises

Arms: pushups, triceps dips, and arm circles(big and small)

Step 3:

Enjoy your workout!!

Healthy living

DIY: popsicale stick exersice

Most teenagers nowadays want to mimic what they see in magazines and billboards but in reality its far fetched. All those billboards and advertisements have been altered to make models more attractive. Unfortunately teens want fast results with little effort. Teens are starving themselves just to be a size 1, but starving isn't the answer. Exercising or being active such as zip-lining as illustrated to the left, improve eating habits, and being optimistic would be a healthier approach.