a successor. You might try to become the successor as a paternal
relative. Only the one who is accepted by the world, will carry
on this work. Only the one with absolute humility will be accepted
by the world. The one who becomes the world’s disciple will
Questioner : All the people that have come here to you
have come from the Kramic path to the Akram path. Each one
of them has experienced this Gnan in their own way. Dada, the
unique feature of Akram is that we have met the pratyaksh
Purush (the One who is present and living). After some time
though, the Gnani Purush will not be present, right?
Dadashri : Yes, you are right.
Questioner : Keeping aside the issue of those who have
acquired the Akram path through your direct living presence
(pratyaksh), what about those who come to this path after you
are no longer here? At that time one will not have the opportunity
to meet a pratyaksh, will he?
Dadashri : There will be, indeed there will be.
Questioner : Everyone will have the opportunity to meet
the pratyaksh Purush?
Dadashri : Yes, they will get it all. This will continue.
Questioner : Will it continue like this?
Dadashri : It will continue. Do you understand?
Questioner : But is there not a need for a pratyaksh
Purush in the Akram path?
Dadashri : Nothing works without the direct presence
(pratyaksh) of the Gnani.
Questioner : Yes without his presence it cannot work.