there is no moksha for women. I say that there is moksha for
women also; why would there not be liberation for women? It
has been said that because attachment and deceit (kapat)
dominate a woman’s nature, there is no moksha for women.
However, the same weakness is found in men too. The only
difference is that in women, it is to a much greater degree.
Women will indeed attain moksha despite what these
people say. They are worthy of attaining moksha because in
essence, they are Atma. However, it may take longer because
the element of attachment and deceit are more dominant.
This entire path is ‘Real’. There is no element of ‘relative’
(anything that is not permanent, e.g. thoughts, speech and action)
in this path. ‘Real’ means, beyond this world of thought, speech,
and acts. ‘Relative’ means, of this world and within the realm
of thought, speech, and acts. The Akram path is for the one
who has tried everything else but has not found the solution to
liberation. Otherwise there are other standards and paths
available. The Akram path is for those who want to get “out
of standards.”
The science of Akram Gnan is the inner science and it
is permanent. Everything else you see in the world is external
science, and it is temporary. This science gives you the experience
of the permanent; it is the Absolute Science. It is a science that
liberates. No amount of dharma (duties/religion) practiced, will
give you liberation. Through dharma you may attain material
happiness and support that will prevent you from falling. Dharma
is that which prevents you from falling from your spiritual
progress. For liberation you need Vitaraag Vignan (Science of
Absolutism). This science does not exist in any scriptures. The
Tirthankars knew about this science, but this science could not