early? At night when you cannot sleep, you will say, “I cannot
sleep.” If you yourself have control over your sleep, then why
can you not sleep when you want to? In reality, you have no
control whatsoever.
If somebody asks, “Who woke me up this morning?” I
would tell him that he woke up because his sleep karma was
over. It was his karma that woke him up.
You (the Real You) have never eaten. It is ‘Chandulal’
who consumes the food. You have never eaten anything and yet
you believe that you are the one who eats. ‘Chandulal’ is the
one who eats and ‘Chandulal’ is the one who defecates. You
are trapped in this for no reason. Do you understand this?
Questioner : Please explain that.
Dadashri : No man ever born has the independent
willpower to defecate. If he does not have the independent
power over his own bowels, then what other power can he
have? He will realize this when he becomes constipated. When
a few things go according to his plans, he thinks he is making
them happen.
I had satsang in Baroda, with a group of physicians.
When I told them that one does not even have the independent
control over his own bowels, they were all taken aback. I went
on, “You will realize this when you become constipated. At that
time you will have to seek external help.” You never did have
this power in the first place, which is why you have to seek
help. Therefore, this is not under your control. It is through your
wrong beliefs that you consider nature’s powers as your own
power. To call someone else’s power your own power, is an
illusion; a wrong belief. Do you understand what I am trying to
say? Is it a little clearer now?