Who Am I? Who Am I? | Page 29

20 WHO AM I ? come here is dependent upon so many different circumstances. A lot of circumstances have to be just right and precise in order for you to be able to come here. If you had a migraine, you may have to go back even after arriving on time. If you yourself were truly independent and came here on your own accord, your migraine would have no bearing upon your being here. Or, if on your way here to satsang, you meet a friend who insists that you go with him then, you would have to turn back. Therefore, so many circumstances have to be just right. You would only be able to come to satsang provided there are no obstacles preventing you from coming. PRINCIPLE OF CONVENIENCE This is Scientific Circumstantial Evidence. Only when numerous circumstances come together can an event take place. However, you claim with egoism, “I did it.” You take credit for things that turn out good but blame others or bad luck when things do not turn out as planned. Some people blame it on negative circumstances, don’t they? Questioner : Yes. Dadashri : A person is proud of himself when he earns money, but when he incurs a loss or fails, he makes excuses or says, “God is upset with me.” Questioner : This is a convenient excuse. Dadashri : Yes convenient, but one should not accuse God of anything. It is okay if we accuse a lawyer or someone else, but how can we accuse God? A lawyer can file a suit and claim damages, but who will file this suit? Such accusations cause terrible bondage in the next life. Can anyone accuse God? Questioner : No.