Who Am I? Who Am I? | Page 18

WHO AM I ? 9
‘ My ’. But then who is the person that is saying this word “ My ”? Who is the one that says , “ All these things are mine .”? Have you ever thought about that ? When you say “ My name is Chandulal ,” and then you turn around and say , “ I am Chandulal ” do you not think there is a contradiction in this ?
Questioner : Yes , I think so .
Dadashri : You are ‘ Chandulal ’ right now . In this ‘ Chandulal ’ there is both ‘ I ’ and ‘ My ’. They are like the two railway lines of ‘ I ’ and ‘ My ’; they always run together yet they are always separate . They are always parallel and never become one . Despite this you believe them to be one . This is due to the ignorance or unawareness of your true identity . Having understood this , separate the ‘ My ’. Keep all that comes under ‘ My ’ to one side . For example , “ My heart ,” keep your heart on one side . What other things do we need to separate from this body ?
Questioner : The feet and all the sense organs .
Dadashri : Yes the five gnanendriyas ( organs of perception ) and five karmendriyas ( organs of action ) and everything else . Furthermore do you say , “ My mind ,” or “ I am mind .”?
Questioner : We say , “ My mind .” Dadashri : Do you also not say , “ My intelligence .”? Questioner : Yes .
Dadashri : And “ My chit ( the component of inner vision and previous knowledge in the mind ).”?
Questioner : Yes .
Dadashri : Then do you say , “ My egoism ,” or do you say , “ I am egoism .”?