Chance Vorderstrasse
Editors Thoughts
As hunters we need to protect our public lands.
A s the years have gone by I have
ownership, is to be exercised, like all
realized that not everybody is exactly other powers of government, as a
like me. Who would have guessed? trust for the benefit of all people, and
Just like we all live the way we want, not as a prerogative for the
we all hunt the way we want. Some advantage of the government, as
choose to drive deer, yet others use distinct from the people, or for the
tree stands. You can use 100 decoys benefit of private individuals as
or you can use six. Rifle or bow, 12
distinguished from the public” (161
gauge or 20 gauge? The differences U.S. 519, 1896). Wildlife is for all of
are many and the reasons why are
us, period. End of story.
even more abundant. Through it all
Stop and think about how lucky you
one thing remains constant. A
are as a sportsman or sportswoman
common thread that weaves the
to live in a country that values
fibers of our differences into a blaze wildlife and conservation. Not only
does it benefit hunters, but it
orange coat we all share. Hunting
benefits everybody. And it should
has evolved throughout its long
stay that way. In light of recent
history and with it so have hunters.
events at Malheur Wildlife Refuge
The North American Model of
Conservation may be the greatest
thing ever invented. The best part,
that the wildlife and land belongs to
everyone. Yes, it actually says that.
“Whilst the fundamental principles
upon which the common property in
game rests have undergone no
change, the development of free
institutions has lead [sic] to the
recognition of the fact that the power
or control lodged in the State,
resulting from the common
related issues. I also invite you to
visit I am
in no way connected with this
organization and gain nothing from
telling you to visit their website, only
to help ensure future generations
have access to public land. While on
the website, sign the petition. By
signing the petition and filling out
some basic information you send a
letter via email to your local senator
saying you want to keep public lands
public. As hunters we are all in this
together. The wildlife can’t speak for
themselves, so hunters must.
and other groups wanting to put
public lands up for sale to the
highest bidder, it is time that hunters
come together. We are all different,
there is no denying that. However,
we all have one thing in common. A
love for wildlife and conservation. It
is that thread that binds us all
together. If we don’t all come
together to ensure that OUR public
lands stay OUR public lands, you can
bet that someone with a pocket full
of cash will step in to take it for
themselves. I encourage every
hunter to become involved in not
Chance Vorderstrasse
only this issue, but all conservation