spectrum, which allows them to see blues and ultraviolet
better than humans can. In conclusion, shades of reds and
greens appear to deer as different shades of gray. The
color deer see best is blue and they can also see yellows
and UV light.
Deer and UV Light
The theory is that UV brighteners in clothing and
detergents make a hunter stand out more to a deer.
Humans can’t see UV light because we possess a UV filter
that helps protect our eyes. Deer do not have this UV
filter. This allows them to see UV light, but it still makes it
hard for deer to see fine detail. Since they lack this filter,
it would be highly likely that deer see UV light better than
we do. To what degree we stand out is still fairly
unknown. It is theorized that deer might see a slight blue
tint in our clothes when they look at us.
horizontal level in the middle of their view. So objects up
high and down low are out of focus for deer, which might
be one reason why tree stands are so effective for hunter
concealment. Their depth perception is also limited to
that same horizontal view. They only have depth
perception for a 60-degree area where their vision
overlaps in the front of them. So a deer can’t tell how far
away you are unless their nose is pointed in your
A deer’s eyes also have the ability to rotate
independently. This is called cyclovergence and it is done
to maintain the pupil’s alignment with the horizon. This
allows the deer to keep its pupils horizontal and maintain
a panoramic view of its surroundings when it is eating.
What Does This Mean For Hunters
So how does this affect you as a hunter? First, avoid
Predator versus Prey
wearing the color blue. This shouldn’t be too hard as
many of us don’t enter the woods unless we are covered
Almost everyone knows that prey animals, like deer, have
in camo. It becomes a little trickier when you look at
their eyes positioned on the side of their heads. This
which camo you should wear. Wearing camo with a lot of
allows them to have a 300 degree field of view, compared
white in it is a bad thing because white colors will reflect
to about 120 degrees for humans. An increased field of
all wavelengths, including the ones deer can see. Also, all
view is not the only advantage a deer has because of the
the detail that the human eye can pick up in the camo that
position of their eyes.
we wear may actually make you stick out more to the
The wide position of the eye creates the need for a pupil
deer. A camo pattern that has many subtle shades of
that is more rectangular and horizontal than a humans is. greens and browns (to create depth) will just look like one
This allows more light to filter in, helping with low light
color because deer can’t differentiate between the
conditions. There is also something called a tapetum
different colors and details like we can.
lucidum. This is a reflective layer that gives deer “eye
In the end camo is made to be attractive to us, but that
shine”. It also reflects light back over the rods and cones
doesn’t mean you shouldn’t where it. One important
again, giving deer a second chance at using light they
thing that camo does, is to break up your pattern. A
didn’t use the first time. Essentially, they are using the
deer’s vision in daylight hours is very average. So having a
same light twice.
pattern that breaks up your outline and blends into the
Another advantage to having a more horizontal pupil is
surroundings is very important to staying hidden.
that it gives deer greater detail along a horizontal swath in
Ultimately a deer’s vision is based off movement. It
the middle of their field of vision. This means that an
determines its threats by being familiar with its
object a deer is looking at straight on is equally in focus as
surroundings and picking out new things and determining
something out to the side. Our view is different from deer
if an object is moving or stationary. So limiting your
because we have a fairly small area of focus that we move
movements is the best thing you can do to remain hidden.
around very quickly. This allows us to see things in great
focus as long as we are centered on it, otherwise our
Personally, I like wearing camo. It is