Chance Vorderstrasse
Editors Thoughts
Sitting in my tree stand this past rifle deer season in Nebraska, I was
reminded of something I am sure most of us can relate to.
antlers, but it was too late. My
t was the first really cold day heart was beating out of my
of the year.
Highs barely chest as he walked to within 5
cracking 30 degrees and wind yards of the base of my tree
chills in the teens. One of stand. With no shot opportunity
those days where sitting a little he walked on.
longer in the truck sounds like a
fantastic idea. After talking myself into getting out in the cold
and a short walk, I was in what
would be my stand for the
morning. Still warm from the
truck ride to the property and
the walk in, I was comfortable
when a shape suddenly materialized in front of me. Still well
before shooting light, looking
directly at the shape made it
impossible to see.
looking slightly to the left and
using my peripheral vision I
was able to determine it was a
deer. Buck or doe? Still too
dark to tell. As I lost sight of
the deer I heard what without a
doubt is music to any hunter’s
ears, a few short buck grunts.
Coming directly from my right, I
turned my head to look for the
sounds maker. Then the sudden sound of something running came from my left. There
he stood, not 25 yards up the
hill. Through the branches all I
could make out was neck and
they thought those people
were. Whitetails are the cool
kids. There is just something
about them everybody loves. A
sort of invisible pull that can’t
be broken. They are the cool
As my nerves calmed I was kids times a thousand. They
suddenly hit with something have “it”. A quality that is indescribable.
that I never had been before. I
have always marveled at white- As Whitetail Instinct grows, it is
tail deer, but this year for some important that we all know one
unknown reason they have thing. At Whitetail Instinct we
captured a special place in my are not the cool kids. We are
heart. A mix of majesty, royal- fine with that. That’s not us.
ty, power and beauty. I now However, this business was
see them in a totally different founded to showcase the cool
way. I have never done drugs kids we can all get on board
but I imagine it could be de- with. Whitetails. For which we
scribed as some sort of a high, are happy to take the backseat
the feeling I get when I see a We ask for your continued supdeer while in the stand. It was port as we grow and hope you
in this period of reflection after enjoy everything the Whitetail
the buck had passed through Instinct brand produces.
that I had a realization.
Deer are the cool kids.
I wasn’t popular in high school.
Hell, I wasn’t even close! Looking back you sometimes wonder what it might have been like
to be one of those popular kids.
Remember everybody wanting
to be like them, or do whatever Chance Vorderstrasse
they were doing. Everybody
kind of awestruck by how “cool” Co-founder: Whitetail Instinct