Whitetail hunters are always looking
for an edge, something extra that will
help them tag that buck of a lifetime.
One of the trendier tactics is to use
the different moon phases to improve
hunting success. There are two sides
to the moon phase tactic. One is that
the different phases of the moon
affect when deer move, the other is
that the moon itself dictates the start
of the rut. For the first part of a two
part article we will be focusing on how
and if, the moon could affect the sole trigger of the whitetail rut. Othwhitetail deer rut.
ers suggest that the moon helps synchronize the start of the rut, saying
The Moon’s Effect
that the photoperiod triggers the rut
To understand the rut, we need to and then the moon phases help conunderstand the breeding cycle of trol the start of the rut. If I had to
does. It is known that does are short choose which one I believe is more
day breeders. So as the amount of plausible I would lean towards the
daylight begins to decrease the does latter.
pineal gland releases hormones that
If the moon does help synchronize the
start her reproductive cycle. Some
start of the rut this would be the way
biologists suggest that the moon is the