White Supremacist Prison Gangs in the United States | Page 21
are likely to be highly ideological, the typical large white supremacist prison gang will have a relatively small number of
members with significant knowledge of white supremacist ideology, a larger number of members with slight knowledge,
and an equal or even larger still pool of members whose beliefs may be little more than crude racism.
Another difference between white supremacist prison gangs and other white supremacist groups is the use to which
such ideology is put. Prison gangs are a form of organized crime and groups that engage in organized crime must find a
way, if they wish to thrive, to convince members to put the welfare of the group over that of the individual. Familial ties,
ethnicity, group bonding, religion, and subcultural affiliations are all methods that various organized crime groups may
use to try to instill that group loyalty.
White supremacist prison gangs use race and white supr V