White Papers Value Study: Investing in ETRM / CTRM in Turbulent | Page 3

Value Study: Investing in E/CTRM in Turbulent Times A ComTech Advisory Whitepaper E/CTRM BUSINESS BENEFITS The benefits provided by a modern and well-deployed E/CTRM solution are wide and varied, but unfortunately, not often measured. They include the following, Focus on core competencies – A pre-packaged solution along with expert guidance from the vendor’s expert staff, frees up user staff to stay focused on business processes and delivering value. OPERATING EFFICIENCY/ COST AVOIDANCE The availability of a golden copy of data in a single E/CTRM streamlines regulatory compliance, reduces the cost of building data extracts for externally managed compliance processes, and helps ensure full and accurate compliance with mandates. Automation of complex and routine tasks and business processes eliminates manual processes and reduces costly errors. A reduction in training and support costs can also be achieved by consolidating those processes onto a single platform. Users and their companies benefit from the shared knowledge provided to them as a part of a vendor’s user group. Today’s leading E/CTRM solutions will also provide the necessary tools and analysis to assist in optimizing physical assets, improving operational efficiencies and improving profitability. RISK MITIGATION A good commercial solution can help mitigate many forms of risk exposures, including price, credit, legal, regulatory and operational risk all supported by an audit trail of actions. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE DATA ANALYTICS Improved and ro bust analytics result in better decision making. CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT The comprehensive coverage of physical and financial instruments available in the leading commercially available systems expands the range of products that user companies can offer to their customers, and with quicker time to market. Having consolidated data on one platform with advanced reporting capabilities allows businesses to better understand the profitability of their individual clients.  IMPROVED EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION CAPITALIZING ON CHANGE A singular, comprehensive solution can deliver a significantly better user experience as compared to spreadsheets or disparate homegrown solutions, helping to minimize data entry errors and improving productivity. A vendor supplied and supported solution can provide advanced and newly required functions and features more quickly as compared to outdated or disparate homegrown solutions, ensuring the business has the capability to respond quickly and appropriately to opportunity and mandates. Plainly, these are just a few of the benefits that might be gained using one of the better commercially available E/CTRM solutions on the market. In the end however, the actual benefits that may be accrued will depend on the capabilities of the commercial solution, the quality of that vendor’s support and the quality of the deployment/implementation. © Commodity Technology Advisory LLC, 2015, All Rights Reserved.