The commodity trade and risk management soft-
ware AGIBLOCKS incorporates detailed under-
standing of the specific business and information
technology requirements to successfully deploy
commodity trading and risk management. AGI-
BLOCKS is positioned as a ‘next generation’ CTRM
solution for commodity purchasers and traders. implementation. Together this facilitates easy im-
plementations and a low total cost of ownership.
Agiboo has its roots in the commodity trade and is
one of the organizations driving commodity knowl-
edge through the industry. People at Agiboo have
their background in or did projects in a variety of
commodity trading organizations. Products of
Agiboo BV have been deployed in more than 20
commodity industry companies, where additional
services have been delivered to more than 30 com-
modity industry organizations. AGIBLOCKS can be deployed on a single server on
site or made available in the cloud and is offered on
perpetual license or on subscription basis. These
alternatives make AGIBLOCKS an attractive alter-
native for any CTRM need in almost any situation.
Senior staff at Agiboo has been exposed to senior
management roles in trade, procurement, finance
and information management. For its development
and delivery processes Agiboo employs senior staff
with each individually > 20 years experience in soft-
ware development and delivery. Besides inhouse
consultants and developers Agiboo has long stand-
ing relations with external software development
and implementation consulting companies.
AGIBLOCKS has been developed in one of the lat-
est available software architectures, cloude services
based and is designed to be accessible through any
browser on any computer or tablet. Due to its design
and its technology AGIBLOCKS offers a unique and
intuitive user experience and is very scalable in its
Key differentiators of AGIBLOCKS are the config-
urability, accessibility and specific functionality it
offers for the Sugar, Cocoa, Coffee, Dairy and other
softs- and agri- commodity industries.
For more information, visit www.agiboo.com