White Papers Is Now the Time for Open Source in CTRM | Page 4
Is Now the Time for Open Source in CTRM?
A ComTech Advisory Whitepaper
Part of the reason is that while you can find dictionary definitions for each of these attributes, there is no common
lexicon across the commodity trading industries. For example, a deal can mean buying or selling, to a counterparty,
a specific volume of a specific commodity on a specific day, and at a specific point; or it could mean a buying or selling to a counterparty, a specific commodity at multiple locations, each with a different price across multiple days,
weeks or years. This difference, while not appearing on the surface to be consequential, actually has fundamental
implications on the way the deal is priced, tracked, valued and settled within a software system.
Anyone that has tried to integrate two different systems from different vendors, or has tried to move
data from a system from Vendor “A” that is being
replaced to a new system from Vendor “B” will have
encountered the impact of these different views; and
if a system was actually found to move transactional data across, it will almost certainly have required
hundreds or thousands of hours of human intervention to reconcile the differences between the two
systems. This is why it is exceedingly rare for any
software customer to move historical transactions
from one vendor’s system into another.
Given this lack of a common lexicon for
commodity trading systems, every system in use today reflects the definitions that their developers understood based upon their specific experiences; or
that they otherwise believe will be either easiest to
code or will best reflect what their prospective customers may want to see. This means that is unlikely
that any two systems will reflect a singular common
understanding of the market. The result is that every
system, though they may use similar languages and
terms, reflects a unique way of capturing very basic
and fundamental information that is otherwise comm on to the industry.
© Commodity Technology Advisory LLC, 2014
This lack of a common lexicon reflected in the underlying
data structures leads to wasted time and resources by both the software vendors and the users of these systems. The vendors recreate
what has been previously built by their competitors as they build-out
this code, and the customers are forced to learn the unique methods
and data structures used by the vendor in order to build and maintain
complex integration infrastructures to move data in and out of the system, or to even develop reports that detail the deals and transactions in
the system.