White Papers Improving Data Aggregation and Analysis to Address | 页面 2

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The major North American energy markets, including natural gas, power and oil, have undergone massive changes over the last decade. New sources of supply enabled by technical innovation have created market imbalances and have spurred billions of dollars of investment in process- ing facilities, pipelines, export facilities and power transmission systems in order to better align those new supplies to the markets they serve. Additionally, with the easing of export regulations, in- vestments in energy export facilities and increasing overseas demand for US LNG, liquids and crude oil have resulted in a tightening connection between US and foreign energy markets. And while these new energy market structures are generally seen as a net positive for market participants, the increasing influence of global market developments has created significant uncertainty around future market direction and price formation across most energy commodities. Absorbing these many new energy sources and the resulting massive growth in supplies has created new markets, hubs and trading locations; and have increased the sources, granularity and velocity of mar- ket data that flows into energy trading floors across the industry. Identifying and collecting the appropriate sources of data and information is a critical first step in developing the insights and actionable information necessary to succeed in these challenging and con- stantly evolving markets. However, without a sophisticated analytics capability to convert that data to timely, relevant and actionable market and operational insights (i.e. early warnings of potential supply bottlenecks or inventory chang- es, timely identification of shifts in your intraday P&L, non-optimized physical assets, etc.), the flood of data arriving at your doorstep will overwhelm your existing resources and your team’s commercial and operation- al decisions will be based on data and information of increasing vintage. Fortunately, advances in web-based technologies have enabled a new generation of tools and solutions that can accelerate the analysis of huge data sets from multiple systems and data sources - allowing the earli- est possible identification of market moves, emergent opportunities and impending risks. One such solution, by Eka Software, utilizes apps that can be configured by business users to mix and match different data sets from divergent sources and perform real-time analysis to answer their organization’s most critical and timely questions. With support for all types of analytics from simple aggregations to advanced predictive mod- els, energy companies using this solution can gain a competitive advantage by optimizing operations and strategies to take advantage of both rapidly emerging opportunities and longer-term market developments. © Commodity Technology Advisory LLC, 2017, All Rights Reserved.