White Papers Evolving CTRM in the Cloud | Page 2

INTRODUCTION CTRM in the cloud was arguably innovated by Aspect (then as OILspace) when it started to deliver data and ETRM software over the Internet using a web browser 15-years ago. The company found a niche market for its software delivered ‘in the cloud’ and has continued to innovate cloud delivery of CTRM software ever since. Over that 15-years, much has changed in terms of technology, including the understanding and acceptance of the cloud, as evidenced by the recent ComTech Advisory research project into CTRM in the Cloud1. Against a backdrop of rising costs and decreasing margins and a requirement to comply with a variety of regulations, CTRM in the Cloud has found a broader appeal in a cost-conscious market and is rapidly gaining ground. Indeed, almost any CTRM vendor will now offer its solution ‘in the cloud’ if asked and a number of other vendors have adopted the cloud model of delivery as their primary focus. As acceptance of delivery in the cloud has strengthened, so too has appreciation of what the model can actually offer. Users desire greater choice and control in many areas of their business and the technology and service innovation associated with cloud delivery of software generally has brought this to many areas of the business. This would include the ability to pick and chose service offerings and just who manages those services, a variety of attractive hosting models that range from implementation in the public cloud to the customers’ cloud and increased choice in payment options for those services. Cloud strategies are now impacting many IT and project decisions across every area of the business. As of the end of 2013, when ComTech was undertaking the research for its definitive study, broad deployment of CTRM in the cloud had not occurred and only around 16% of those responding to the study’s survey stated that their CTRM was delivered in the cloud, but more than half stated that it was a consideration in their on-going procurement projects. Since then, we have observed strong growth for the deployment model. However, there remains stoic resistance to CTRM in the cloud in some quarters of our industry. This paper will briefly examine the current state of CTRM in the Cloud and focus on its continued evolution and adoption in the industry. 1) CTRM in the Cloud – Research and Report, ComTech Advisory White Paper, 2014 © Commodity Technology Advisory LLC, 2015, All Rights Reserved.