White Papers CTRM for Sugar – Managing Sugar’s Complexity | Seite 10

CTRM for Sugar - Managing Sugar’s Complexity A ComTechAdvisory Whitepaper AGIBLOCKS – A TRUE SUGAR SOLUTION Agiboo’s AGIBLOCKS CTRM solution, like many others, is a multi company, multi-commodity software application. It is a complete “out of the box” solution, available on premise and in the cloud. Built on modern technology, it provides functionality for trading physical commodities and their terminal market instruments. It supports contract management, logistics fulfillment, forex and hedging, and it has tools for real-time risk analysis and risk management. It supports both trading management and financial management from the same source of data and within the same application. Its modular structure allows users to implement an end–to-end solution or to select individual functions to implement only the functions that are needed. While AGIBLOCKS is a strong contender across many commodities, including Coffee, Cocoa, Grains, Oilseeds, and Dairy, it is extremely strong in terms of meeting the specific requirements of the sugar markets. This is evidenced by the number of reputable customers that have implemented and are using AGIBLOCKS, to support their day-to-day sugar trading and/or merchandising businesses. Wim Depla at Hottlet Sugar Trading, pointed to this issue specifically saying, “Finding a suitable commodity trade and risk management solution for sugar is not that easy as might look on the surface. There are only few software solution providers specialized in sugar trade. Sugar has its specifics which all need to be incorporated in one single approach. Missing a crucial functionality would make a solution unusable. The People at AGIBOO immediately understood our requirements and needs, because of their specialization in sugar trade solutions.” AGIBLOCKS provides all of the specific and generic functionalities discussed above that are relevant to sugar and probably should be on any shortlist of CTRM software for companies involved in sugar markets that have a CTRM software need. © Commodity Technology Advisory LLC, 2016, All Rights Reserved. 10