White Papers Brady’s Quick Start Physical Trading Solution | Page 2

INTRODUCTION In order to deal with the complexities of trading and managing multiple commodities, the soft- ware solutions devised and offered by vendors are usually designed to be highly configurable. This is particularly so when the scope of functionality includes the management of the commod- ity through the supply chain (usually a mandatory requirement for customers trading in physical agricultural, softs, metal ores, and other bulk commodity markets). By offering extensive config- urability and personalization of their CTRM and/or Commodity Management (CM) solutions, the vendor can service a larger group of customers with differing requirements and hence, extend the potential market for it, ensuring that it can be a financial and commercial success – as it has to be to be considered a true software product as opposed to a custom solution. Configurability and personalization have become key features of CTRM and CM software and have helped to ensure widespread use of vendor supplied and sup- ported solutions (a global market estimated at $1.5 billion per year). Providing customers with the ability to configure the solution to meet their individual company needs, and the user to personalize their screens, has allowed the same solution to be deployed and used suc- cessfully in many different markets, industry segments and geographies - all using the same code base and ensuring more cost-effective vendor supplied support. Unfortunately, providing these capabilities has also nat- urally added to the complexity of implementation, as it requires significant forethought and planning in order to set up the solutions in a way that truly supports the busi- ness processes now and into the future. This complexity invariably adds cost, time and risk to both the implemen- tation effort and future product upgrades. As buyers have become more savvy about the software category generally and more cost sensitive (catalyzed in part by the promise of cheaper cloud deployment), vendors have begun to recognize the need to reduce the complexity and costs related to configuration by providing tools and processes users can leverage to more quickly configure the software to meet their re- quirements, reducing implementation time, effort and costs. This paper will look at Brady’s Physical trading solution Quick Start program as an example of such an approach. © Commodity Technology Advisory LLC, 2019, All Rights Reserved.