White Papers Analytics to Address Agricultural Market | Page 7

Analytics to Address the Increasingly Complex Global Agricultural Market A ComTechAdvisory Whitepaper SUMMARY Complexity in the supply chains of agricultural and soft commodities has increased due to changing market conditions and increasingly global operations that have expanded upstream into supply chains. To remain profitable, agricultural companies from producers to processors will need advanced analytics. Although many CTRM vendors have started to build dashboards and KPIs into their platforms, these solutions are not sufficient as they only provide analysis for data that can be accessed through the CTRM. Transaction-based solutions should not be considered true analytics solutions as they were not designed to handle the increasing quantities and types of data. A true analytics solution provides: /D  ata eco-system that brings in information from multiple internal and external sources /A  rchitecture to support high-speed data manipulations and calculations as well as accelerating volumes of data /C  ommodities specific intelligence baked into the analytics solution so users can reap value from the solution immediately /S  elf-service capability so users can use and customize the analytics solution themselves without relying on others Eka has taken an innovative approach to yesterday’s transaction based solutions, creating a separate analytics platform that brings together large amounts of disparate information from multiple sources that includes CTRM and ETRM platforms, and also includes data from other internal and external sources such as ERP, CRM, spreadsheets, market curves, and weather data. The platform enables users to run complex forecasting models and scenarios to answer the “what if” questions. © Commodity Technology Advisory LLC, 2016, All Rights Reserved.