Optimizing Content for Real Estate Distribution - Joomag | Page 22

The old motto “build it and they will come” doesn’t apply to real estate anymore. Agents must do more than create engaging content. They’ll need to distribute it through the right channels as well. Why? Because more and more people are using mobile technology to fulfill their home buying needs.

MailMunch’s 2017 survey spotlighted marketers’ top distribution strategies, most of which are digital (shown below).

Joomag optimizes content for all major devices (Android, iOS, Windows) to assist realtors in expediting the home buying process. Home buyers have instant access to information whenever they need it.

Top agents are using social media for distribution and lead generation, as Ferry’s survey found. It’s the second most popular distribution channel used today. Realtors can share Joomag their publications on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other popular social channels with a click of a button.