Selling Content & Managing Costs: The Benefits of Digital Transformation for Publishers | Page 5


Selling content

Expanding publications, in terms of both volume and sales, is a tall order for any publisher. To succeed, they’ll need to allocate their resources properly. But managing supply chains and distributing hard copy content typically entails higher costs. Moreover, it doesn't matter how engaging those publications are if there’s no guarantee that they’ll end up on bookstore shelves. In situations like these, digitizing existing print materials is a fantastic alternative. Publishers can avoid distribution fees since their content can be accessed anytime, anywhere, by anyone.


Managing costs and time

Many people are afraid of trying new things. And it’s this same fear that stops print publishers from taking that important first step towards digital transformation. Uncertain of how difficult the process might be, they’ll waste time and money by haphazardly recruiting new hires instead (who, more often than not, provide very low ROI).