Reaching Target Audiences | The Advantages of Digital Publishing | Page 7

Reaching target audiences

The commercial printing industry is far from kicking the bucket. But that doesn’t mean its age isn’t showing. Print’s distribution model -- though still useful for reaching targeted customers via advertising -- is antiquated in comparison to its digital counterpart. Paper is the only viable means of distribution for print aficionados; accordingly, enlisting the services of a distribution partner first is mandatory. Then come those lovely fees.

The Internet’s faster, global reach, however, is much more advantageous to publishers. Here’s why:

Platform and device compatibility

: web-based content is not restricted to a single outlet. It’s able to reach audiences on multiple platforms and devices, including desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, as well as Android, iOS, and Windows operating systems.
Social media: with 3.196 billion global users in 2018, social platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are ideal for reaching new readers. Some feature powerful ad and targeting tools for added customization.

Social media:

with 3.196 billion global users in 2018, social platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are ideal for reaching new readers. Some feature powerful ad and targeting tools for added customization.


digital bookshelves keep publications neatly organized while adding a touch of professional to your work. They’re fully customizable and can be embedded into websites, too.
Newsstands: digital users love choice. Online newsstands give them tons of it. The total number of readers which newsstands have access to is much higher than the amount available to print publishers.

Link sharing:

: digital publishing services can generate short links for large-scale content distribution.