How Digital Technologies Can Improve Employee Training Performance | Page 23
In traditional workplace settings, instructors tracked employees’ performance manually. Tedious and fallible, this system could not yield immediate data necessary to gauge each program’s efficacy. But incorporating digital technologies into your training strategy can give you the information you need to see how well employees and training programs are performing.
Once your training materials are prepped and ready, you’ll need insights into how learners are interacting with it. Data like this is crucial when executing a new training program in particular; you’ll need to optimize your content later on so that it stays relevant.
Training departments should effectuate a digital analytics strategy to determine if employees are actually learning and retaining the information. That way, they can leverage the right data to boost performance and identify opportunities to improve the learning experience. With the right analytics in place, you’ll see which materials are used most often and which ones aren’t. Furthermore, you’ll be able to fine-tune your content to ensure it stays effective. Joomag’s suite of tracking metrics provides a granular look at your content’s performance. They’re available on one platform, so extra tools aren’t required. For example: