Email Marketing Strategies: How to Improve Deliverability and Engagement | Page 7

Moreover, only 80% of commercial emails arrived in people’s inboxes in 2017, according to a study by Return Path. 5% of emails were stuck in spam folders while 16% were blocked by email security gateways.
Via Return Path
Text-heavy emails with multiple attachments are likely to end up in spam folders. Worse yet, recipients can delete them instantly and never associate with your brand again. Your sending reputation is on the line with every email you deliver. The domain you’re sending emails from, for example, is linked to your reputation as a marketer. That’s why you should always take the opportunity to improve the latter whenever possible.

Personalized, eye-catching newsletters are ideal for communicating with customers because they educate, inform, and drive profitable action.


Distributing newsletters to target audiences

One-size-fits-all marketing isn’t a thing anymore. Today’s consumers demand personalized content that meets their needs in some meaningful way.