Leveraging Data for Real-Time Consumer Engagement | Joomag | Page 27
Brick-and-mortar stores continue to reel in more than 90% of all retail transactions today. But where there’s technology, there’s opportunity. Retailers can leverage the power of data to engage consumers in real-time and in a broader digital community. The online catalog is an incredibly flexible marketing tool. It can appeal to different types of consumers while delivering value at every stage of the customer journey. For shoppers, an eCatalog is convenient; all they have to do is click or swipe through to the next page.
Online shoppers want to do everything themselves, and that’s great. Digital retailing is a connected experience that helps consumers in the buying process, but still gives them full control of their journeys.
To truly innovate in the retail space, businesses must provide consumers with the online tools they’ll need to accelerate intent and move themselves down the funnel. It’s an exciting opportunity, and one retailers shouldn’t miss with Joomag. For more information, or to start your free trial today, visit Joomag’s official website.