White Hat Communications Catalog Fall 2013 | Page 4

Adopted for Intro & Practice Courses Days in the Lives of Social Workers: 58 Professionals Tell “Real-Life” Stories From Social Work Practice 4th Edition Linda May Grobman, ACSW, LSW, Editor Spend a day with 58 professional social workers, each in a different setting. Take a look at the ups and downs and ins and outs of their real-life days in the “trenches” of social work practice. This book is the ultimate guide to social work careers. Whether you are a social work student, an experienced professional wishing to make a change in career direction, or just thinking about going into the field, you will learn valuable lessons from the experiences described in DAYS IN THE LIVES OF SOCIAL WORKERS. The fourth edition of this popular book contains four new chapters, expanding content on play therapy and bullying, geriatric care management, providing continuing education, and being a leader in the profession. All chapters include “Think About It” discussion questions. The appendices, which include additional readings, social work organizations, and Web sites, have been updated, and a new one has been added on social media, mobile apps, and blogs. “Everyone who reads this book, whether you’ve spent a lifetime as a proud social worker, you have received social work services, or you are just curious about the profession, will gain a new perspective and appreciation for the work of these tireless individuals.” Elizabeth J. Clark, Executive Director National Association of Social Workers “LOVE these books—especially for social work students who want to get a feel for all the different areas of practice available in our profession!” Susan Mankita, LCSW Florida International University “DAYS IN THE LIVES OF SOCIAL WORKERS was extremely informative for me. I recommend this book not only to social work majors, but also to those who don’t exactly know what social workers do.” Emily C. Christopher, BSW student “Your fabulous book, DAYS IN THE LIVES OF SOCIAL WORKERS, was the deciding factor in my choice to start a career in clinical social work. My sincere thanks!” Jasmine Thomas, MSW Student, NYU School of Social Work “Thank you, thank you.... Not only are the selections readable, I found them packed with information that makes for good test or quiz questions. The students loved it and I really appreciated the boost in materials.” Naurine Lennox, ACSW, LICSW, Associate Professor and Chair St. Olaf College Department of Social Work “Indispensable for Intro to Social Work classes!” Dave Henton, Southwest Texas State University 2012 • ISBN: 978-1-929109-30-2 • 443 pages, 5½ by 8½ • $21.95 plus shipping Order online: http://shop.whitehatcommunications.com 4th Edition Published 2012! DID YOU KNOW? This book was featured in a Jeopardy! clue in February 2012! Table of Contents Foreword by Elizabeth J. Clark (NEW) PART 1—HEALTH CARE Chapter 1—Social Work in the ER Chapter 2—Social Work in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Chapter 3—Remembering Why I Became a Social Worker: Lessons Learned on Internal Medicine Chapter 4—Social Work in an Infertility Clinic Chapter 5—Working with Pregnant Women in Pub ????!????) ??????Q5???????????5??????? ??) ??????QM??????]????????? ??????????? ????)AIP??Q!%X?%L) ???????QA????A?????????U???????5????]?????M????????????!%X?%L) ???????Q?Y????M???????9??????!??????????M???? ???) ??????ÊQA????????!%X?I?????)AIP??QM !==0?M= %0?]=I,) ???????Q?????????M??????M??????]??) ???????Q??%???? ????!????M?????)????????????) ???????QM??????]????????I????M????????????)AIP??Q !%1I8?e=UQ ??9?5%1%L)???????????????) ???????QU???? ?????A??????M??????)(?? ??????????) ???????Q?9???????????e???? ????) ???????QA????Q???????? ??????9\?)???????????) ???????Q]??????????????1??????e???)9???????????????) ????????Q ?????]??????=??????) ????????Q??????????????A?????)???M??????]?????) ??????ÊQM??????]????????M???? ???)AIP??Q%M %1%Q%L) ???????Q????????????????????) ???????S?qU?t? ?????????qQ????t)AIP??Q59Q0?!1Q ) ???????Q%??????????????????9??]????e?%???????????????p???t) ???????QA??????!????????????) ???????QM??????]???????? ??????) ???????Q1????????????!????5??????) ???????Q?????5?????!?????M??????)AIP??QMU MQ9 ? 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