Tennis News
• balls IN! You might be laughing out loud right now at this
extremely obvious statement. However, the quickest way to lose
a match is to be inconsistent and not put enough balls in play.
Consistency is the number one priority to compete well in ALTA.
Power is no good without consistency.
End points at the net. It is much easier to end points from the
net than from the baseline. Most of the time players do not take
enough opportunities to end points at the net. Players need to
take a very proactive stance at the net and actively look to go
get balls to end points. It is not enough to only end points when
the ball happens to come to you. That is equivalent to hoping to
win the lottery without buying a ticket. We must engage! If you
are not being passed down the line, you are not poaching enough.
How do I know if my poaching (net ending capacities) are working
or not? Revert to mental tip #3… if you are winning more points than
you are losing (even by one) by your current behavior, continue on!
Breathe. No seriously, breathe. If your muscles are tense (a result of
short breathing), your strokes will be as well. You cannot hit strokes
cleanly and to your full potential with tense muscles. Breathing
allows your muscles to stay loose and for you to hit the shots you
are capable of hitting. Breathing can also help you stay calm and
in the moment. A common mistake that most players make before
competition is thinking they need to get “jacked” up. In fact,
quite the opposite is true. Players need to get centered, focused,
determined and calm. You have to be in control of your mind and
your body when you compete to be in your ideal performance
state. The late Arthur Ashe used to always say that the best way to
compete is to be physically loose and mentally tight.
I hope that these tips will lead you to a fruitful ALTA season!
Rock on, calmly.
Amy Pazahanick
White Columns Learning
Center Open House
You are cordially invited to
our Learning Center Open
House on Saturday, October 19,
from 3 :00 pm – 5:00pm.
Please drop by to mingle with
your fellow members and
meet our team of experts.
We will have the latest
equipment and technology
on display and have a fun
contest (bring your wedge)
– the winner will receive a
special prize.
Complimentary beverages
and hors d’oeuvres will be