Whippet Tales 2.0- Spring of 2015 Volume 3 | Page 8

Spring Whippet Tales Page 7 Shelby:    The History of Our Town  By: Maggie Gray So many of the buildings that we drive past every day have a rich history buried in their bricks. Delving into the historical world of our town can be an enlightening experience. Visit the following links to learn more. Shelby Gum Company  This was a very popular thing among Shelby kids to get gum from the Shelby Gum Company! http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ohscogs/Indusries/ShelbyGumCo.html Early Shelby Photographers  Take a look at the moments these people captured! http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ohsmh/ShelbyMuseumPhototographer s.html 7