Whippet Tales 2.0- Spring of 2015 Volume 3 | Page 13
Spring Whippet Tales
Page 12
norms asking her how she did it. She responded with good advice, but saved her best tips and tricks until she
became a Pro.
“91 lbs.” Ana said in a bubbly voice.
“Huh?”, Camila asked, Ana’s statement ripping her from her thoughts.
“You just weighed in at 91 lbs. That gives you a BMI of 13.8. Good job! You will be transferred into
Skinnyville whenever you are ready. Keep up the good work!” Ana said this with a gleam in her soft, beautiful
hazel colored eyes. Her smile radiated with approval, every tooth perfectly straight. Of course, what wasn’t
perfect about Ana? She was the most perfect person Camila knew. Ana was genuinely proud of her, and she
felt better than she ever had before. Never again would Camila go back to being a fatty. Not even a Norm
would cut it now. She HAD to lose more weight. Camila stood there fantasizing the day she would become a
Pro and everyone would look up to her. She would be famous, and with only one scar to show her Mia
Outskirts experience, she would have some of the best self control of them all.
That’s how it was here, your scars showed a story. Every time you had to visit the Mia outskirts, they
would cut you. Only once each time, but deep. This way, you would never forget. Not even if you wanted to,
for every time you took a glance at your scars a dreadful memory would return to you. This was supposed to
help toss your binge craving. Whenever Camila got a craving to eat something that was not on her diet plan,
she would just look at her scar. She never wanted to go through that again. Some people never escaped it
though. They would spend their whole lives out in the Mia Outskirts, scars covering every inch of their bodies.
Some got tattoos to cover it up, but they were still visible. It just became so habitual for these people that
they couldn’t stop. They just spent their lives in a never ending cycle of binging and purging.Camila shook the
nasty thought from her mind. NEVER would she become a Mia.
Ana took Camila into an office. The walls, of all colors were yellow. Quite a happy room it was, and it
brightened her mood just being inside of it.
“Alright”, Ana grabbed a binder with the words ‘To Become a Pro” written on the cover. She turned
back to Camila, handing over the binder. “Here is your new diet plan. I know how tough it’s going to be for
you, it is very restrictive. This plan covers seven days, and once you reach the end, you start over at day one.
Stick to this plan and you will become a Pro in no time.” Ana’s smile beamed like the rising sun, and it made
Camila proud. Camila opened the binder and flipped through the pages. Each day had a different amount of
calories, from 0 (these were fasting days) to 200. Each page had suggestions for meals, but you were free to