Whimsical Date Night V.1 | Page 3

What People Had To Say About The Book… “I read the book and I must say I was intrigued by the content in there. You simplified the essence of marriage in date nights by providing spices to sweeten homes. Thank you for this. It's a must read for couples.” Amba Ajakaiye Author, How to Write Your First eBook iDare.NotDreadNetwork “If you want to ignite or maintain the passion in your marriage, there is no better book to read on how to keep the coal red and hot.” Peter Aleogena CEO Pedia Homes & Apartments Limited Pedia Homes & Apartments Limited “I must say this is a timely and important read for everyone who values marital bonds and desires to keep their relationships alive. Reading this book will help you reignite the fire in your marriage as the author broke this idea into simple steps and shows you just how to do it. The Whimsical Date Night is a recipe to help you rediscover your spouse and enable you to maintain the love and ecstasy in your marriage as you and your spouse evolve. In a time where the rate of depression and motherhood overwhelm is high, I consider this also as one remedy for moms who deal with overwhelm. And for men who want to regain their wives back, this definitely is a good and a must read.