Whimsical Date Night V.1 | Page 28

can remind you of what life was like before kid sand other added stresses. The more dates that you go, the more good experiences you have to draw from when you go through a trial. J Joke: Relax, laugh about everything and any- thing, including each other. Smile at each other more K Kiss: According to a new study, 1 out of 5 mar- ried couples go without kissing for as long as a week at a time and when they do kiss, 40% only kiss for no longer than 5 seconds. Kissing is a fundamental expression of desire, intimacy, ad- oration and passion for one's lover. Kissing re- leases brain chemicals such as oxytocin, re- sponsible for making people feel bonded to their partner. Kissing your partner can improve relationship. 18 Whimsical DATE NIGHTS