Booty Moon: Relive the honeymoon phase of
your marriage, the oh the not so subtle gig-
gling, reckless abandonment to selves, touch-
ing and feeling each other like your lives de-
pended on it, the steamy wild sex with you
screaming your lungs out, condemning your
neighbours to wistful wishing. It's time for a
BOOTY MOON! Oh please scream just a lil
louder, who knows someone might be learning
Create A Sexy Slumber Party Of 2: It can be
in your home or a weekend off, as long as it is
about the both of you, for as long as you can
manage being away from the kids.
Communicate: The importance of good com-
munication is obvious as communication helps
couples deepen their understanding of one an-
other and the relationship. This is important