Whimsical Date Night V.1 | Page 18

2. Have common interest. When you share common in- terest, creating time for Date Nights become easy and fun, now this doesn't mean doing the same things every time, but encouraging a willingness to be adven- turous. 3. Have a budget. You don't need to go breaking the bank to have Date Nights, but have funds set aside with the clear intention of Date Nights. The funds don't have to be used every time, as some Date Nights can be done at home, so it can be set for once a while out of town Date Night getaways or even in town hotel night away from home. Nights become easy and fun, now this doesn't mean doing the same things every time, but encouraging a willingness to be adventurous. 4. Plan ahead. Weather at home or out, you should always have a plan ahead of time, there's no point spending half the time arguing because you can't agree 8 Whimsical DATE NIGHTS