This guide features the city ’ s most noteworthy galleries , antique and craft shops . For additional shopping listings see page 14 . While best efforts have been made to ensure accuracy , hours and information may change without notice . See maps beginning on page 43 .
ACEARTINC Local contemporary artists whose work is non-commercial , experimental or multi-disciplinary in nature and professional in quality . Tue-Sat noon-5 pm . Free admission . 290 McDermot Ave , 2nd floor , 204‐944‐9763 , aceart . org , Map 1 : O-4
BUHLER GALLERY This gallery exhibits Canadian and local visual artists . Also features visual arts programming , music , readings , and performances . Tues-Thu 10 am-8 pm , Fri 10 am-6 pm , Sat-Sun 12 pm-4 pm , Mon closed . St . Boniface Hospital , 409 Taché Ave , 204-235-3392 , galeriebuhlergallery . ca , Map 1 : P-6
THE EDGE VILLAGE AND GALLERY Artist-run space that showcases modern works from local artists , many of whom work on-site . Mon 6 pm-8 pm , Thu 2 pm-5 pm , Fri-Sun 2 pm-6 pm . Tues & Wed by appt . 210‐611 Main St , 204‐947‐2992 , edgevillage . com , Map 1 : N-4
LA GALERIE Exhibitions of contemporary art by Manitoba and Canadian artists . To Jan 20 : Climate Changes by Mathieu Gotti explores the metamorphosis of animals in their environment . From Jan 26 : A collection of portraits by Michel Saint-Hilaire observes and questions our social environment , showing that we all have a story to tell . Mon- Fri 8 am-11 pm , Sat & Sun 9 am-5 pm . Free admission . Centre culturel franco-manitobain , 340 Provencher Blvd , 204‐233‐8972 , ccfm . mb . ca , Map 1 : P-6
Gallery 1C03 University of Winnipeg gallery displays contemporary programming . Jan 12-Feb 18 : Group exhibition Moving Images features 23 short films and videos , including work by acclaimed filmmaker Guy Maddin . Free admission , 1st floor , Centennial Hall , University of Winnipeg , 515 Portage Ave , 204-786‐9253 , uwinnipeg . ca / art-gallery , Map 1 : P‐2
GRAFFITI GALLERY Aerosol spray paintings on large canvasses displayed in a funky warehouse space . Mon-Tue 9 am-5 pm Wed , Thu 9 am-9 pm Sat 12 pm-5 pm . Free admission . 109 Higgins Ave , 204‐667‐9960 , graffitigallery . ca , Map 1 : M‐5
LA MAISON DES ARTISTES Features artwork by local Francophone artists , housed in the historical former St . Boniface city hall . Mon-Fri 12 pm-6 pm , Sat 10 am-4 pm . 219 Provencher Blvd , 204‐237‐5964 , maisondesartistes . mb . ca , Map 1 : P-6
LISA KEHLER ART + PROJECTS Inspiring contemporary work with a focus on emerging Canadian artists . Jan 6-Feb 4 : Catch To Step is To Rise , a solo exhibition of new work by Montreal based artist Jeanette Johns . From Feb 10 : Yapci Ramos ’ Perras y Putas is an intimate dialogue through photography with women in prostitution in different parts of the world . 171 McDermot Ave , 204‐510‐0088 , lkap . ca . 171 McDermot Ave , 204‐510‐0088 , Map 1 : O-4
MARTHA STREET STUDIO Located in the Exchange District , this hands-on studio exhibits work and offers a behind-the-scenes look at print making , silk screening and etching . Jan 20-Feb 25 : Hireath is a collection of pieces by printmaker Heather Lier exploring the nostalgia and wonderment of childhood memory . Open Tues-Fri 10 am-5 pm , Sat 12 pm-5 pm . Artworks and Studio Editions are also for sale in the gallery . 11 Martha St , 204‐779‐6253 , printmakers . mb . ca , Map 1 : N-4
MENNONITE HERITAGE CENTRE GALLERY A multi-level gallery at the Canadian Mennonite University showcasing art from myriad cultures . Exhibits are often based on religious and humanitarian issues . To Jan 19 : Megan Krause ’ s abstracted landscapes act as a visual exploration of the effects of climate change and a rising global population in Fertile Ash . To Jan 19 : Interna is a collection of non-objective abstract paintings by Dale Boldt . Mon‐Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm , Sat 12 pm‐5 pm . 600 Shaftesbury Blvd , 204‐888‐6781 , gallery . mennonitechurch . ca , Map 2 : E‐2
MENTORING ARTISTS FOR WOMEN ’ S ART ( MAWA ) Non-profit organization supporting intellectual and creative development of women in the visual arts . The gallery exhibits local and Canadian artists . 611 Main St , 204‐949‐9490 , mawa . ca , Map 1 : M‐5
WAG @ THEPARK AT THE PAVILION GALLERY MUSEUM The top floor of the Assiniboine Park Pavilion and Conservatory Foyer Gallery display permanent collections and visiting exhibits . WAG @ ThePark features exhibits from local artists Ivan Eyre and Walter J . Phillips , as well as historical photographs of the Pavilion . A rare oil painting by original illustrator E . H . Shepard of Winnie the Pooh ( the famous bear named after Winnipeg ) is also on display . Tue-Sun 10 am-5 pm . Free admission . Assiniboine Park , 55 Pavilion Cres , 204‐927‐6002 , Map 2 : D-3
PLATFORM GALLERY Located on the main floor of the Artspace building in the heart of the Exchange District . This one-room gallery exhibits photographic and digital arts projects . Tue-Sat 12 pm-5 pm . Free admission . 121‐100 Arthur St , 204‐942‐8183 , platformgallery . org , Map 1 : O-4
PLUG IN ICA One of the country ’ s most innovative exhibition galleries . Plug In has been exhibiting work in all media since 1972 and is Canada ’ s first ICA . Tue 12 pm-5 pm , Wed & Thu 12 pm-9 pm , Fri 12 pm-7 pm , Sat 9 am-7 pm , Sun 9 am-5 pm . Free admission . Unit 1-460 Portage Ave , 204‐942‐1043 , plugin . org , Map 1 : P-2
WINNIPEG ART GALLERY Nine galleries feature constantly changing exhibitions of local , Canadian and international art , including works from its own collection of contemporary Inuit art , the largest in the world . Rooftop restaurant and The Gallery Shop on-site . To Jan 8 : Our Land : Contemporary Art From the Arctic showcases artists from Canada ’ s north . Jan-Feb : Two exhibits , Boarder X and Vernon Ah Kee : cantchant demonstrate how sport , Indigenous art , land , and culture intersect . WAG members free , adults $ 12 , seniors / students $ 8 , children 5 and under free , family $ 28 . Tue-Sun 11 am-5 pm , Fri 11 am-9 pm . 300 Memorial Blvd , 204‐786‐6641 , wag . ca , Map 1 : P-3
CANADIAN PLAINS GALLERY Showcasing original local Aboriginal art . Contemporary and traditional pieces available in many media , such as paintings , sculpture , jewellery , leather goods , pottery , etchings , birch bark biting and Aboriginal music . 106‐181 Higgins Ave , main floor , 204‐943‐4972 , Map 1 : M-4
FOUR DIRECTIONS TRADING INC Featuring handicrafts from Manitoban and Canadian First Nations . Silver and turquoise jewellery , leather clothing , moccasins and mukluks , headdresses , and blankets . Ramada Marlborough Hotel , 331 Smith St , 204‐943‐8152 , Map 1 : O-3
NEECHI NICHE The second floor of Neechi Commons features a central exhibition gallery with pieces from more than 190 First Nations , Métis and Inuit artists , and a commercial gallery shop that carries local community-based art and crafted works . Also art supplies , books . Mon-Sat 10:30 am-6 pm , Sun 10:30 am-5 pm . 2nd floor , 865 Main St , 204‐949‐1338 , neechi . ca , Map 1 : M-5
NUNAVUT GALLERY City ’ s only gallery specializing in Inuit sculpture , drawings , prints and wall hangings by artists from across northern Canada , including Kenojuak Ashevak and Nuna Parr . Carries more than 500 polar bear sculptures . Also work by prominent Manitoba painters like Kathy Long . Mon-Sat 10 am-5 pm . 603 Corydon Ave , 204‐478‐7233 , nunavutgallery . com , Map 1 : T-3
URBAN SHAMAN Not-for-profit exhibition gallery in the Exchange District featuring contemporary regional , national and international Aboriginal art in a variety of media . From Feb 3 : Wally Dion blends Indigenous craft with modern technology , drawing connections between quilts and circuit boards . From Feb 3 : Barry Ace ’ s Niibwa Ndanwendaagan ( My Relatives ) is a suite of Anishnaabe bandolier bags ( or ‘ friendship bags ’) adorned with electronic components and a tablet screening historical family photographs and archival film of Indigenous peoples . 203‐290 McDermot Ave , 204‐942‐2674 , urbanshaman . org , Map 1 : O-4
SIMPLY THE BEST Manitoba Master Potters
Artist Rachael Kroeker
778 Corydon Ave . ( 204 ) 475-8088 www . stonewaregallery . com
INUIT ART Winnipeg ’ s Largest Gallery of Inuit Art featuring more than 550 bear sculptures !
Sculpture , drawings , prints and wall hangings , featuring leading and emerging Canadian artists .
Polar Bear by Axangayuk Shaa
Now featuring polar bears and older sculptures from the Canadian Arctic .
Raven Silhouette IV by Kenojuak Ashevak
Dancing Bear by Joannie Ragee
www . nunavutgallery . com 603 Corydon Avenue
204-478-7233 Parking at Rear
JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2017 where . ca 9