Where November December 2017 WhereNov-Dec17_Digital | Page 4

where winnipeg V olume 28 , N umber 4 editor Teena Legris editorial assistaNt Nina Bryk editorial coNtributors Joelle Kidd Shel Zolkewich art director Donna Tapay admiNistratiVe coordiNator Lorraine Harrison adVertisiNg desigNer Elena El J - 1765 Kenaston Blvd. 204-487-3487 (FITS) 100-160 Provencher Blvd. 204-231-3487 (FITS) NatioNal accouNt maNager Catherine Lenihan publisher Laurie Hughes www.thebrabar.com EXPERT BRA FITTING • CUP-SIZED SWIMWEAR • QUALITY UNDERGARMENTS fouNder Brad Hughes WHERE WINNIPEG MAGAZINE fanfare magazine group 400-112 market avenue Winnipeg, manitoba canada r3b 0p4 phoNe: 204-943-4439 faX : 204-947-5463 Website: where.ca/winnipeg All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent of the publisher. WHERE is a registered trademark of St. Joseph Communications Media Group. Where makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. subscriptions: mailed first class $16.05 per year (gst incl). manitoba residents add $1.05 pst. $20 (us) per year outside canada. individual issues $4. World famous Russian Mints. priNted iN caNada Ellice Ave. Family owned and operated since 1959. 674 Sargent Ave. (204) 783-4551 mordenschocolate.com 2 where.ca november/december 2017 Po ge rta . Ave ★ Sargent Ave. canadian publications mail product sales agreement # 40010531. mailed, paid and printed in Winnipeg, manitoba, six times per year. issN 1711- 4748. return undeliverable canadian addresses to : Where Winnipeg magazine, 112 market ave, suite 400, Winnipeg, mb, r3b 0p4 Where Winnipeg is pleased to be a member of: tourism industry association of canada, hotel association of canada. timely information for travellers, published internationally since 1936.